Want to begin a fresh start or chapter in your life with tattoo ideas? You can start with a direct approach by simply getting an inspiring tattoo designs on your body. You can also go with cherry blossoms or a butterfly coming out of a cocoon if you want to symbolize a fresh start. But if you want something majestic,why not try phoenix tattoo ideas.
A phoenix is a mythological bird typically associated with fire and the sun.Phoenixes do occupy an important part in all cultures, no matter what location. The meanings for this mythical bird are all taken from their own mythology. And what all of them have in common is that the bird is signifies rebirth and resurrection.
Basically, a phoenix is an immortal bird. Upon taking its last breath, it will burst into flames. And from its ashes, a new baby phoenix will arise. If you saw the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, then you can easily picture this magical event.
There are certain tattoo designs that look best in colored form. The phoenix tattoo designs are one of them. You can still opt for a black-and-gray phoenix if you don’t like colored tattoos. But don’t blame friends if they mistake it for a peacock or some kind of exotic bird at first glance due to the unusual-looking tail. If you still prefer black-and-gray, we suggest complementing it with flames to immediately tell everyone that it’s a phoenix.
To give you a better look at phoenix tattoo ideas, we compiled some of the best ones on the internet. You will immediately notice that no two designs are exactly alike. The phoenix is just a fictional creature, so there’s no basis on what it should really look like.
Phoenix Back Tattoo Ideas

Phoenix Arms&Legs Tattoo Ideas

There have been loads and loads of tales and myths surrounding the phoenix, and they usually vary according to the culture or history where it originated. However, there are still some central themes that binds all of these stories together.
The phoenix tattoo ideas represent healing, cleansing, creativity, and inspiration. In Chinese cultures, it also symbolizes abundance, wealth, and good fortune.